Investment MoUs worth Rs 3,550 crore were signed by the Uttarakhand government delegation with various groups on the second day of its visit to the UAE for the Uttarakhand Global Investor Summit scheduled for December 8-9.
The delegation held meetings with various industrial groups in Abu Dhabi on Wednesday in the presence of Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami. MoUs were signed with Lulu Group, Hyper Market, ACT facilities and Regent Global.
Earlier, on the first day of the UAE tour, investment MoUs worth Rs 11,925 crore were signed in the presence of CM Dhami. Overall, investment MoUs worth Rs 15,475 crore were signed in UAE.
Dhami also participated in a programme organised by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) in Abu Dhabi on Wednesday. Dhami said his government has chosen the path of development of the state by preserving the cultural, natural, and spiritual beauty. He said under the guidance of PM Narendra Modi and the cooperation of the Central Government, projects worth more than Rs 1,50,000 crore have been approved in the state over the last five years. A target of investment of at least Rs 2.5 lakh crore has been set.