Adani Power Stock Price Today
Adani Power Share Price Today : On the last day, Adani Power opened at ₹490 and closed at ₹509.2. The stock reached a high of ₹518 and a low of ₹483.75. The market capitalization of Adani Power is ₹197,494.56 crore. The 52-week high and low for the stock are ₹589.3 and ₹132.55, respectively. A total of 459,088 shares were traded on the BSE.
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Today, the closing price of Adani Power stock was ₹511.8, representing a decrease of 0.05% compared to the previous day’s closing price of ₹512.05. The net change was -0.25.
The current data for Adani Power stock shows that its price is ₹510, with a percent change of -0.4 and a net change of -2.05. This means that the stock’s price has decreased by 0.4% and its value has decreased by 2.05 rupees.
The current data for Adani Power stock shows that the stock price is ₹509.85. There has been a percent change of -0.43, indicating a decrease in the stock price. The net change is -2.2, suggesting a decrease of 2.2 points in the stock price.
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The current data for Adani Power stock shows that the stock price is at ₹510.7. There has been a percent change of -0.26, indicating a slight decrease in the stock price. The net change is -1.35, indicating a decrease of ₹1.35 in the stock price.
Adani Power Live Updates
The current data of Adani Power stock shows that the stock price is ₹512. There has been a percent change of -0.01, indicating a slight decrease in the stock price. The net change is -0.05, meaning that the stock price has decreased by 0.05 rupees. Overall, the stock price of Adani Power has experienced a small decline.
The current stock price of Adani Power is ₹513.4. It has experienced a percent change of 0.26, indicating a slight increase in value. The net change is 1.35, suggesting a positive movement in the stock price.
The current stock price of Adani Power is ₹513.5 with a net change of 1.45. This represents a percent change of 0.28. This indicates that the stock price has increased slightly.
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The current stock price of Adani Power is ₹514.95, with a percent change of 0.57 and a net change of 2.9.
Adani Power Live Updates
The current stock price of Adani Power is ₹514.1, with a percent change of 0.4 and a net change of 2.05. This indicates a slight increase in the stock price.
The current stock price of Adani Power is ₹512.05. There has been a 0.56% increase in the stock price, resulting in a net change of 2.85.
On the last day of trading, Adani Power had a volume of 459,088 shares on the BSE. The closing price for the stock was ₹509.2.