Pakistan beats India by 10 votes to secure Vice Chair post at UNESCO | Mint – Mint

Pakistan, on November 24, beat India in an election at the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) executive board for the position of vice chair last week.
Pakistan has been elected, with overwhelming support, as Vice Chair of UNESCO Executive Board (term 2023-25) from the Asia Pacific Group at the ExB Session. Grateful to all members for their trust and support. Is deeply committed to cooperative multilateralism and looks forward to working together with all members to promote our common objectives and to defend shared values and UNESCO principles,” said Pakistan’s foreign ministry in a post on social media platform X.
Islamabad’s candidate received 38 votes, while India’s received 18, according to various Pakistani media reports.
Indian diplomats at the UN are facing a major setback after Pakistan was elected vice chair of UNESCO’s Executive Board in 2023-2025, according to a report by the Indian Express.
The Ministry of External Affairs and Human Resource Development, the ministry responsible for managing Unesco in the Indian government and appointing the Indian representative in Paris were reviewing factors and the ramifications of the defeat, according to a source shared by Indian Express.
India’s representative at UNESCO, Vishal Sharma, a political appointee, was questioned about the rationale for India’s dismal performance. Unesco’s executive board held its 218th session last Friday in Paris, during which elections were conducted, the report further added.
With 58 member states and a four-year term, the UN Executive Board administers the body and appoints its director-general. Along with the 194-member General Conference and the Secretariat, it is one of UNESCO’s three constitutional organs.

What is the role of Vice-Chairpersons?

There are six Vice-Chairpersons from each electoral group. In the absence of the Chairperson during a session, their functions are exercised in turn by the Vice-Chairpersons.
Generally, a Chairperson is responsible for directing the discussions, ensuring the observance of Rules of Procedure and accords to the right to speak, among other responsibilities.
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