Adani Transmission share price Today Live Updates : Adani Transmission closed today at ₹855.95, down -1.9% from yesterday's ₹872.5 – MintGenie

Adani Transmission
On the last day, the open price of Adani Transmission was 876.25 and the close price was 876.3. The stock reached a high of 876.25 and a low of 843.2. The company has a market capitalization of 95,625.61 crore. The 52-week high for the stock is 3,000 and the 52-week low is 630. The BSE volume for Adani Transmission was 302,857 shares.
Disclaimer: This is an AI-generated live blog and has not been edited by MintGenie staff.

Adani Transmission stock closed at 855.95 today, which represents a decrease of 1.9% from the previous day’s closing price of 872.5. The net change in the stock price is a decrease of 16.55.

The current stock price of Adani Transmission is 851.65. It has experienced a percent change of -2.39, indicating a decrease in value. The net change in the stock price is -20.85, suggesting a decrease of 20.85.

The current stock price of Adani Transmission is 869.2, with a percent change of -0.38 and a net change of -3.3. This means that the stock price has decreased by 0.38% or 3.3 compared to the previous trading session.

The current data of Adani Transmission stock shows that the stock price is 868.5. There has been a percent change of -0.46, indicating a slight decrease in the stock price. The net change is -4, suggesting a decrease of 4 points in the stock price.
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The current stock price of Adani Transmission is 871.1, with a percent change of -0.16 and a net change of -1.4. This indicates a slight decrease in the stock price.
Adani Transmission Live Updates

The current stock price of Adani Transmission is 869.65. This represents a net change of -2.85, which reflects a decrease of 0.33 percent.

The current stock price of Adani Transmission is 871.5 with a net change of -1 and a percent change of -0.11. This indicates that the stock price has decreased slightly by 0.11% or 1. This information provides an update on the recent movement of Adani Transmission’s stock price.

The current data for Adani Transmission stock shows that the stock price is 875.6. There has been a 0.36 percent change in the stock price, indicating a slight increase. The net change is 3.1, which means that the stock price has increased by 3.1 points.
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The current stock price of Adani Transmission is 882.35, with a net change of 9.85 and a percent change of 1.13.
Adani Transmission Live Updates

The current data for Adani Transmission stock shows that its price is 869, with a percent change of -0.4 and a net change of -3.5. This indicates that the stock price has slightly decreased, with a negative percent and net change.

The current stock price of Adani Transmission is 870.85. There has been a slight decrease in the stock price, with a percent change of -0.19. The net change is -1.65.

On the last day, Adani Transmission had a trading volume of 302,857 shares on the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE). The closing price for the stock was 876.3.


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