Global Remote Work Ranking: India drops to 64, among world's worst in e-infra and accessibility | Mint – Mint

India, once deemed a great place for relaxation, faces challenges in the realm of remote work, according to the latest research by cybersecurity company NordLayer. The Global Remote Work Index (GRWI) ranks India at 64, marking a significant drop of 15 places from the previous year.
The index evaluates countries based on cyber safety, economic safety, digital and physical infrastructure, and social safety.

Top 10 Countries for Remote Work

1. Denmark
2. The Netherlands
3. Germany
4. Spain
5. Sweden
6. Portugal
7. Estonia
8. Lithuania
9. Ireland
10. Slovakia

India’s Position

India secures the 49th spot in the GRWI, lagging due to poor performance across all dimensions, especially in digital and physical infrastructure (77) and social safety (74). Notably, India’s e-infrastructure ranks at a lowly 95, reflecting challenges in both affordability (78t) and quality (70) of internet connection.
In terms of cyber and economic safety, India achieves a mediocre performance (56 and 55, respectively). While it stands as one of the most affordable destinations with the third lowest cost of living, healthcare (93) falls short of appealing standards. India maintains a reasonable standing in cyber infrastructure (13) and response capacity (19).

Regional Perspective

Compared to its neighboring countries, India outshines both Pakistan (93) and Nepal (89).
India’s cyber infrastructure (13) surpasses Pakistan (62) and Nepal (78), contributing to its lead. Additionally, India’s tourism attractiveness (13) sets it apart, with Pakistan (18) and Nepal (22) trailing behind.
India’s most significant advantage lies in its cost of living index (3), second only to Pakistan (1). However, it’s noted that English proficiency in India is subpar (58). Despite this, India remains more suitable for holidays than remote work.


Donatas Tamelis, Managing Director at NordLayer, emphasizes the enduring importance of remote work. He notes that despite recent shifts by tech companies, remote work is not just a trend but a fundamental shift in work culture. Tamelis encourages the practice of good cybersecurity habits to empower teams to maximize their potential across geographical boundaries.
The GRWI used four dimensions to assess remote work attractiveness – namely cyber safety, economic safety, digital and physical infrastructure, and social safety.
Cyber Safety: Includes infrastructure, response capacity, and legal measures.
Economic Safety: Encompasses tourism attractiveness, English language proficiency, cost of living, and healthcare.
Digital and Physical Infrastructure: Considers internet quality and affordability, e-infrastructure, e-government, and physical infrastructure.
Social Safety: Examines personal rights, inclusiveness, and safety.
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